2017. Here we come. Lots of irons in the fire, as they say.
We went on a scouting trip to Cuba this January for potential future projects. It was a difficult and rewarding experience. Upon arrival home we found we already have interest in our Cuba expertise for upcoming films.
Stay tuned. We have a little piece we are putting together to show you guys what Cuba was like for us. For now, pretty pictures will have to do.
What everyone thinks of when they think of Cuba. Old American cars and bright colors.
Always dressing snazzy...
We are welcoming a long time collaborator to our permanent team, Tami Lynn Ross a.k.a. Tam Tam's Fun Time Palace; marketing and producing extraordinaire. Super happy we are able to bring her on board.
We haven't forgotten about Big 5 Dive, our project about women in SCUBA diving where we dove all five Great Lakes in 24 hours with Great Lakes Divers. We have been crazy busy with other paying projects and are excited to get to work on pushing the project along and doing more interviews. We have reached out to several women that want to take part in the project; we just need some money! Travel for interviews is very expensive. It will take us a bit to raise what we need but the film will be done this year!
Kyle on the wreckage of the Joseph S. Fay in Lake Huron.
Lastly, we just finished a project for the Savannah Area Film Office and we are super excited to share it with you guys. Here is goes!
We have a lot more to come so stay tuned. Sign up for our newsletter if you have not already. Here at MADLAWMEDIA we are fans of the saying, "A dream we dream together is a reality." Let's dream together.